Lisa Patterson

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Senior Data Scientist
National General Insurance

Lisa Patterson is a reputable marketing strategist and data scientist across multiple industries for over a decade among numerous fortune 500 companies in the East United States.Passionate and motivated to grow within the fields of marketing, strategy, and data science, with current technologies and unified best practices continually being understood, evaluated, applied and taught to peers.Extensive applied statistical knowledge focused in areas of market research, customer segmentation, and brand awareness to ensure industry competitive up-to-date results.

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Lisa Patterson
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Senior Data Scientist

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Lisa Patterson

Lisa loves helping clients solve their problems through analytic and modeling techniques on qualitative and quantitative data sources to help clients build a strategy which guarantees positive KPI results.

1. Employee Attrition Modeling
2. Customer Segmentation & Campaign Targeting
3. ARIMA Forecasting of Products & Financial Services
4. Text & Sentiment Analysis of Unstructured Data
5. Web Analytics & Social Listening Plan Implementation
6. Price Optimization across Multiple Industries
7. Machine Learning
8. Data Visualization
9. Marketing Content & Analytic Strategy
10. Marketing Technology Applied Knowledge
11. Strategic Forecast

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