Anne Boysen

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Lead Quality Engineer

Trained in Strategic Foresight, Business Analytics and Data Mining, Anne is a futurist and quality engineer who applies her unique blend of strategic sense-making and quality engineering to see great ideas transform from concept to product in global markets. Before joining Qualitest and working closely with Google and YouTube to optimize and humanize search engines and generative AI, she applied her unique foresight approach to help organizations across several industries and philanthropies discover emerging trends and explore future contingencies and opportunities. Her passion is exploring new technologies and synergies that can benefit the long-term interests of humanity. Anne holds an M.S. degree in Strategic Foresight from University of Houston and a graduate Certificate in Business Analytics from Penn State University.

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Anne Boysen
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Lead Quality Engineer

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Anne Boysen

Trained in Strategic Foresight, Business Analytics and Data Mining, Anne is a futurist and quality engineer who applies her unique blend of strategic sense-making and quality engineering to see great ideas transform from concept to product in global markets.

Before joining Qualitest and working closely with Google and YouTube to optimize and humanize search engines and generative AI, she applied her unique foresight approach to help organizations across several industries and philanthropies discover emerging trends and explore future contingencies and opportunities. Her passion is exploring new technologies and synergies that can benefit the long-term interests of humanity.

Anne holds an M.S. degree in Strategic Foresight from University of Houston and a graduate Certificate in Business Analytics from Penn State University.

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